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Month: May 2015

Month: May 2015

    First GOP candidate for Governor

    The race for Governor has begun. Jay Inslee has his first Republican opponent. Three years ago, the Washington State Republican Party thought they had the Governor’s race all locked up. But they were wrong! You elected Jay Inslee because he had a stronger vision for our state — and the Republican Party was furious!

    TONIGHT: Hillary for WA event in Seattle

    Do you support Hillary Clinton for President? There's an event tonight that you should know about. The first Hillary for Washington Grassroots Organizing Meeting is tonight in Seattle. This is an exciting opportunity to be on the ground floor of the movement to elect Hillary Clinton for President.

    Voting Rights Act

    History has taught us: Our government is stronger if every voice is heard. Sadly, today in Washington, that’s just not happening. Injustice in our election system means many communities, especially communities of color, aren’t being fairly represented by government. 

    SIGNATURE NEEDED: Support Patty Murray’s Raise the Wage Act

    Thanks to you, Washington has been at the forefront of the effort to raise the minimum wage. That continues today, because we know no one who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty. Patty Murray has introduced the Raise the Wage Act, which would raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $12 by 2020, helping workers and families across America who now

    SIGNATURE NEEDED: Support Patty Murray’s Raise the Wage Act

    Thanks to you, Washington has been at the forefront of the effort to raise the minimum wage. That continues today, because we know no one who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty. Patty Murray has introduced the Raise the Wage Act, which would raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $12 by 2020, helping workers and families across America who now

    We did it!

    Great news out of Olympia yesterday — Democrats in the House passed legislation to raise the minimum wage and provide sick and safe leave! House Bill 1355 increases our state’s minimum wage to $12 per hour, helping struggling families provide for their loved ones and taking us a step forward in building an economy that works for everyone. House Bill 1356 creates paid sick and

    Bernie Sander’s in

    Democrats have another candidate for President! On Thursday, Senator Bernie Sanders announced that he's in for 2016. Bernie has been a strong progressive in the Senate, representing Vermont in Congress for 27 years. With income inequality as the cornerstone of his campaign, Bernie knows that this economy is working more for the wealthiest Americans, when it should be working
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