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    Comment on our Draft Platform

    Ever two years, delegates to the Washington State Democrats State Convention pass a new Platform. The Platform is the document stating our beliefs and positions on issues and is critical to defining the Party and what it stands for. This year, the State Convention is on June 20th through 21st in Spokane. To learn more about the Washington State Democrats State Convention,

    Become a precinct committee officer

    The week of May 12th to May 16th is filing week, the week when you need to fill out a form with your County Auditor to run for elected office. Key among these elected positions is the role of precinct committee officer (PCO). Party Affairs Manager Greg Haffner sent out an email with information about what it means to be a PCO and instructions on how to apply. ----------- Dear

    Sign our petition on raising the minimum wage

    On April 30th, Senate Republicans filibustered legislation to raise the minimum wage to $10.10. With a vote of 60 needed to overcome the filibuster, 54 Senators - a majority of the Senate - voted to advance the bill. Once again, Senate Republicans have obstructed legislation to lift up working families. Chair Jaxon Ravens sent out the following email asking supporters to sign

    Sign our petition on the Ryan Budget

    Washington's House Republicans - Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Dave Reichert, Jaime Herrera Beutler, and Doc Hastings - toed the party line and voted Yes on the Ryan Budget. With their votes, they voted to end Medicare as we know it, cuts taxes for millionaires by raising taxes on the middle class, and repeal the Affordable Care Act. Chair Jaxon Ravens sent out the following email

    You’re invited to the 18th Annual Washington State Democrats Business Luncheon

    On April 10th, Chair Jaxon Ravens sent out the following email inviting people to the 18th Annual Washington State Democrats Business Luncheon. If you want to find more information about the Business Luncheon, click here. --------------------- Dear Friend, I would like to invite you to the 18th Annual Washington State Democrats Business Luncheon with special guest Governor Jay

    Register for the 2014 State Convention

    The 2014 Washington State Democrats' State Convention is on June 20th and 21st in Spokane. The Convention is your chance to shape the Party platform, pass resolutions, nominate candidates and address other Party business, and meet other Democrats from around the state. Delegates to the Convention were chosen at the Legislative District Caucuses on March 9th. The Caucuses will

    Update: Rodney Tom has a challenger

    On March 13th, Chair Jaxon Ravens sent out the following email to our email list asking you to support Joan McBride, who is challenging State Senator Rodney Tom. Rodney Tom, who was elected as a Democrat, began voting with Republicans in the State Senate and was chosen as Senate Majority Leader as a result. We want to elect a true Democrat to the State Senate in the 48th

    Statement on Mark Miloscia announcement

    Mark Miloscia, who represented the 30th legislative district as a Democrat, announced that he will switch parties and run for Senate as a Republican. Chair Jaxon Ravens released the following statement after the announcement: "Mark Miloscia put his own needs above those of 30th District residents by announcing that he will switch parties and run as a Republican for State

    Stop them from getting one more vote

    On March 3rd, Chair Jaxon Ravens sent out the following email to our email list about Pedro Celis, who is challenging Suzan DelBene for Congress. We are proud to support Suzan DelBene and confident that residents of the 1st congressional district will send her back to Washington DC this fall. ------------ Dear Friend,

    Attend the 2014 Caucuses and Conventions

    On February 27th, Party Affairs Manager Greg Haffner sent the following email to our email list about the 2014 Caucus and Convention Cycle. This process kicks off with the Legislative District Caucuses on March 9th. Click here to learn more about the 2014 Caucuses and Conventions. ------------ Dear Friend, Every two years, Democrats around the state gather with their neighbors